About the Show
Price: $7 GA, $12 reserved
When: Wednesday 7:30
Spotlight: Come out and wordplay! You're invited to watch or compete in Pun DMV, our pun contest. The night is hosted by Dana Fleitman, and it has two events. The winners of either contest get prizes from the Improv (and eternal glory)!
Featuring: Dana Fleitman (host)
Want to compete?
If you're interested in competing in the November 20 Freestyle event, please let us know by completing the Google form at this link.
The Freestyle Event
Each competitor chooses a punning theme, then prepares in advance a three-minute speech packed with puns inspired by that theme. On the night of the show, the competitors deliver their speeches on stage. After it's narrowed down to a few finalists, the audience will decide the winner by cheering. If you'd like info on the Freestyle (or Pun DMV Remix) please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Freestyle contestants: Jake Linden, Chris Crock, Alece Rockler, Amanda Fitz, Logan Anbinder, Jarred Abel, Robert Lyons, Black Sheep, Gregg Siegel, Georgia Lyon
The Tournament Event
The Tournament is an on-the-spot punning tournament featuring up to 20 people. At the start of each match, contestants are given a theme. They then take turns making up puns on the spot. People are eliminated when they're stumped. The last person standing moves on to the next round (or victory)! Anyone in attendance can compete, and you can sign up on site when you arrive.
About the Performers

Dana Fleitman (official website) is a D.C. area comedienne who brings laughter to the joyless masses of our nation’s capital through her imaginative over-analysis of everyday life. Clever and sarcastic, Dana will merrily pontificate on groundbreaking and original topics like food, driving, and her pug. Dana is the regular host of the DC Improv's PUN DMV contest and produces and hosts comedy events with Grassroots Comedy DC. She has performed at venues including the Howard Theatre, Arch City Comedy Festival, The Contemporary Jewish Museum, and She Devil Comedy Festival. She also produces and hosts themed holiday comedy shows in the District.
Instagram: @dfleitman

Come out and wordplay! You're invited to watch or compete in Pun DMV. The night usually features two events, based on the O. Henry Pun-Off World Championship.
In the Freestyle, each competitor chooses a punning theme, then prepares in advance a brief speech packed with puns inspired by that theme. On the night of the show, the competitors deliver their speeches on stage. We'll pick a few finalists, based on quality of puns and overall delivery. Then the audience will decide the winner by cheering. This event has around 10 competitors and participants are confirmed in advance.
The Tournament is on-the-spot punning battle featuring up to 20 people. At the start of each match, contestants get a theme. They then take turns making up puns on the spot. People are eliminated when they're stumped. The last person standing moves on to the next round (or victory)! Anyone can compete, and you can sign up during the show.